Shot List:
ELS of Hell. Shows the main area we will be in. Title appears. 5 secs
CU of sign post. It pans down and shows the different signs. 15 sec
LS of INSPECTOR walking through door, past the “ELTON JOHN TRIBUTE SHOW’ sign, to a large pair of legs. (As he walks) “Mr Lucifer, I’ve completed the safety inspection, and I have a few concerns” “Such as?” 8 sec
MS of INSPECTOR looking at clipboard. “Firstly, I’m concerned about the lack of fire extinguishers” “Okay, are you kidding?” 4 sec
CU of LUCIFERS tail “You’re tail really should be blunted” 2 sec
LS of INSPECTOR and LUCIFER. “Is this is a stitch up? Did Bob from Accounts put you up to this?” 4 sec
LS of roller coaster, going fast. “The Roller Coaster exceeds the 70 mile per hour speed limit” 4 sec
CU of TV. Dr. Phil stands looking in the camera. “The TV’s only seem to be playing spin offs and Dr. Phil re-runs” “I’m Dr. Phil” 7 sec
MS of LUCIFERS legs. He taps his foot annoying. “Oh come on, can’t you overlook all that?” 3 sec
MS of INSPECTOR. He looks up, pauses, sniffs, and looks back down at his sheet. 6 sec
CU of INSPECTORS feet. “There’s cracks all over the ground…” 2 sec
LS of INSPECTOR and LUCIFERS legs. “…there’s bats in the piano hall, the chains in Mr. Wilhelm’s room are hurting him” 5 sec
LS of INSPECTOR and LUCIFER from behind INSPECTOR. “Wilhelm scream”. INSPECTOR turns to look in that direction. 2 sec
MCU of INSPECTOR. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to shut you down” 3 sec
CU of LUCIFERS legs. Left leg stomps on the ground. “GOD DAMMIT” 2 sec
ELS of HELL, including INSPECTOR and LUCIFER. Ground shakes, rocks fall etc. 3 sec
CU of crack leading from devil towards Inspector. 3 sec
ELS of HELL, including INSPECTOR and LUCIFER. Ground continues to shake. 3 secs
LS of INSPECTOR falling through hole. 2 sec
ELS of HELL. The shaking stops. 3 sec
LS of LUCIFERS legs and the hole. FLASH of white. 2 sec
LS of hole as Inspector emerges as a ghost. 3 sec
MCU of INSPECTOR. “Nice try”. He holds up the ‘SHUT DOWN’ notice, and throws it to Lucifer’s feet 6 sec
ELS of HELL. INSPECTOR ascends up and off screen. 5 sec
CU of LUCIFERS legs. He stomps his foot. “MOTHERFU---“ CUT TO BLACK. 3 sec